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All of our fresh meats can be frozen and we recommend that you follow our tips to ensure that your products' flavour, colour, texture, and quality remain consistent. 

Please note, storage times may slightly vary depending on your freezer model and performance.

Meat Type



Beef Roasts

Beef Steaks

Beef Mince


Up to 12 months

Up to 12 months

Up to 6 months


Chicken Breast and Leg

Whole Chicken


Up to 6 months

Up to 6 months


Lamb Roasts

Lamb Fillets


Up to 12 months

Up to 6 months



Pork Roasts

Pork Fillets

Pork Chops

Pork Mince


Up to 3 months

Up to 12 months

Up to 12 months

Up to 6 months

Up to 6 months


Up to 3 months

Scottish Range

Black Pudding



Tattie Scones


Up to 6 months

Up to 6 months

Up to 3 months

Up to 3 months

Cooked Meats

Cooked Meat or Poultry


Meat stock

Pies and Pastries


Up to 3 months

Up to 6 months

Up to 6 months

Up to 3 months


Freeze fresh products immediately after purchase.

Only freeze food within its use-by date.

Do not refreeze raw meat that has been frozen before.

We recommend portioning out meat and freezing in separate bags.

Label and date meat placed in the freezer.

Ensure your food is wrapped tightly to avoid freezer burn, which can cause discoloration and affect the taste.

You can freeze cooked meat, such as leftovers or meals cooked from previously frozen meat, as long as it has cooled down completely first.


Ensure the meat is thawed before cooking.

Small pieces may take up to 6 hours, while large items like joints can take up to 48 hours.

If possible, defrost in the fridge.

Otherwise, use the microwave's defrost setting just before cooking, or run cold water over the raw meat (in a sealed container).

Put a tray under the meat when defrosting, to avoid cross contamination and spillage.

Do not refreeze meat that has been thawed.

You can freeze cooked meat if it was frozen before.


Our pies and pastries are ready to freeze.

Once you receive them, put them in the freezer and use them within three months.

You'll need to defrost them completely before reheating in the oven (recommended) or microwave.

Make sure they're piping hot before serving.

When you defrost them, store in the fridge and consume within one day.

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